

SAISS has experience in clean tech servicing many sectors including:

  • Aquaculture and agriculture

  • Biogas production and anaerobic digesters

  • Energy management, renewable energy, and energy storage

  • Oil and gas, industrial processes and mining

  • Potable water treatment

  • Products produced from recycling material or natural sources

  • Recycling and processes

  • Transportation

  • Water conservation and recycling

  • Water and soil remediation

  • Waste management

  • Wastewater treatment


GHG inventory reporting

Quantify and report GHG inventory or carbon footprint, in accordance with recognized standards to meet the requirements of regulated and voluntary reporting programs.

Product life cycle analysis

Quantify all environmental impacts, GHG, air pollutants, energy and water use, waste generation, recycling potential, etc. of a product from cradle to gate (i.e. environmental product declarations), cradle to grave, or cradle to cradle as required by the client.

Climate change risk assessment

Assess impacts such as threats to human health or ecosystems from toxic chemicals, depletion of natural resources, freshwater use, degradation of critical ecosystems, destruction of habitat, and more

Environmental and sustainable impact quantifications

Quantify GHG and all environmental impacts on soil, water and air and socio-economic impacts.

Program and project performance measures

Develop performance measurement criteria for projects or programs to serve as an early warning system for management and help evaluate the project/program continuously.

Climate change mitigation and adaptation

Identifying actions that impact climate change and proposing potential solutions.

SDTC environmental benefits reporting

Preparing and delivering environmental benefit reports for Sustainable Development Technology Canada (STDC) funded projects.